Communication Strategy

Communication Strategy

Communication Strategy Utilize the expertise of your school’s communications department to write and distribute a formal press release to both campus and off campus media outlets. Come up with trivia and other challenges on to post on social media and see if you can get students to extend the challenge by reaching out to friends

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Register Your Campus

Review the Categories to determine which your school will participate in. Confirm Population Schools participating in any of the per capita-based categories will be prompted to list their institution’s student and staff population when completing their registration. Campus population can be measured many different ways, so to use comparable numbers when calculating the competition results,

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Plan Outreach Campaign

Set Participation Goals   What do you want to achieve by participating in the Campus Race to Zero Waste? Raise awareness with students in the residence halls? Raise the profile of the recycling program with campus decision makers? Draw attention to a new food composting program? Take the time to define one or two primary

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Traditional 8 Week Categories For the Zero Waste, Food Organics, Diversion, and Per Capita Recycling categories, schools are expected to submit recycling and other relevant weight data every week throughout the competition. Coordinators should submit their report between Monday and mid-day Wednesday for the recycling material collected the previous week. These weights are incorporated into

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