Activity Ideas

Fun Quizzes

Dorm Storm

Dumpster Dive (Waste Audit)

GameDay Halftime Promotion

Internal Competition

Mug Shots


Get Caught Green-Handed

Pledge Drive

Additional Activity Ideas

  • Run a daily trivia contest in the school newspaper promoting waste prevention and recycling. Offer a raffle or an eco-friendly prize to the person who calls the recycling office first with the correct answer wins the daily contest.
  • Hold a recycling fair in the student union building. Activities can include a recycled newspaper toss, recycle-themed Jeopardy, an aluminum can trivia quiz, an environmental habits assessment form, and informational displays.
  • Worked with its telecommunications center to develop public service announcements for television, radio or video monitors around campus.
  • Take advantage of campus and local media. Work with your campus communications department to prepare news releases about your participation. actively solicit stories from your campus newspaper or other outlets. See if the campus paper is willing to run a weekly column of ad space showing your campuses updated ranking against rival schools.
  • Find more activity ideas and resources for your competition below.