Register Your Campus
to determine which your school will participate in.
After creating an account you will receive an auto-generated confirmation email needed to activate your account.
Login to ReTRAC Connect account to complete and submit this form with details about how your school will participate. Once submitted, you will receive a confirmation email directly from RecycleMania within a few days. Within a few days, you will receive a confirmation email directly from RecycleMania. Once you receive the confirmation email, you can find your school on the Participating Schools page.
If you do not receive the confirmation email or have questions about your registration please contact us at
Schools participating in any of the per capita-based categories will be prompted to list their institution’s student and staff population when completing their Profile Information Survey. Campus population can be measured many different ways, so to use comparable numbers when calculating the competition results, RecycleMania uses a standardized methodology as follows:
- Full time equivalent (FTE)
- 12 month average student enrollment
- Student and staff for the entire institution, including auxiliaries and satellite facilities