The Campus Race to Zero Waste Program awards electronics badges to the top schools in each of the competition categories:
- Zero Waste (8 week main)
- Diversion (8 week main)
- Food Organics (8 week main)
- Per Capita Recycling (8 week main)
- Race to Zero Waste - One Building Challenge (special category)
- GameDay Basketball - Diversion and Per Capita (special category)
- Electronics Recycling - Per Capita and Total Pounds (special category)
- Case Study - Waste Minimization, Food Waste Reduction, Education and Awareness, and Summary of Waste Reduction Efforts
Beginning in 2021, the CR2ZW program made the decision to award electronic badges to the competition winners and halt the practice of awarding physical awards to the top schools. This change gives competition winners more flexibility in sharing their success as the winner; schools can feature the e-badge on websites, in email blasts, and post on social media (and include in print materials, as well). This change also aligns better with the waste minimization mission of the program.

Zero Waste

Recycling Per Capita

Food Organics

Race to Zero Waste - One Building Challenge


GameDay Basketball

Electronics Recycling

Waste Minimization Case Study

Food Waste Reduction Case Study

Education and Awareness Case Study